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The Unfortunate Reality of Life

Life is a constant struggle to satisfy our desires and avoid problems. We all want to have a life, that is as good as possible, but some of us are not lucky enough to have a good life. If you are one of the many compassionate people, you will agree that we should try to create a better environment, in which suffering is minimized and bliss maximized. It is not an easy task, such environment must be maintained and will never be perfect. Sure, it does not have to be perfect, but since living is not necessary and its perceived value is just a result of instincts we are enslaved by, why not consider the option of not playing the life’s game?

While bliss can balance suffering, suffering can achieve greater intensities. We can experience pain so severe, that it paralyzes us or even make us fall unconscious. Do you think it is morally right to continue life, when, as a result, some people get to experience rape, being eaten alive and other forms of torture? Remember, it is not their fault in what environment they were born in. Can we maintain an environment in which such extreme suffering does not happen? For how long? There are billions and billions of years to go.

We are not the only conscious life. There are animals, who show signs of self awareness, and probably even more of them are smart enough to suffer. Is it morally right to ignore the quality of their life? Are we capable of ensuring a good life for them, even though they might not be smart enough to understand moral values?

What about the people, who do not care about who gets hurt by their actions? Wars happen, because the people in charge don’t want to settle their differences peacefully. Environmental damage happens, because the people in charge don’t want to spend the resources necessary to prevent it. How are we going to stop these people from making everyone’s life worse?
