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Good game soundtracks

These are the good game soundtracks that I found so far. Music taste is, of course, highly subjective, so this list will be most useful to those that like the same music as me. I don't generally care what genre it is as long as it sounds good to me.
First is the game title, then my overall rating of the soundtrack and last are exceptional (or my favourite) tracks (unless I have hard time picking one). I don't list expansions separately unless their soundtrack is very different. I also generally don't list games that copy their soundtrack from related movie and the like.
The ratings are:

007: The World is Not EnoughMehTitle Theme, Thames Chase Theme
1941: Counter AttackAwesomeOpening, Mid Boss A, Stage 4, Staff Roll, Ending
1943: The Battle of MidwayGoodDaihiryu, Level 1, Boss Theme 2
360 Three SixtyGoodSynthzone, Junmungle
46 Okunen Monogatari: The ShinkaronGoodOcean, Victory, Battle
4D Sports TennisMehMain Menu
5th GearGoodTitle Theme
60 Second StrikeAwesomeSpeedkiller
7.62GoodMenu, Tequila
7 Days to DieMehTrader Bob, Trader Hughs, Trader Rekt, Tense Combat A
7th LegionGoodBGM 4, BGM 2, BGM 14
8-Bit ArmiesAwesomeBase builder, Blockhead, Check my Creds
8-Bit HordesMehRetro Hero
8-Bit InvadersGoodSoldier Formation, Cranioid Attack, Protect The Planet
8 EyesGoodTitle Theme, Italy Stage
9 Lives?Theme
A-10 Tank Killer?Title Theme, Ending Theme
A.M.C.: Astro Marine CorpsGoodMenu
A.R.S.E.N.A.L Taste the PowerGoodBubble, No return, Dream
AbadoxGoodCredit Roll
ABC Monday Night FootballGoodHalf-Time Report
AbominationMehMission Start, Track 04, Track 01
Abunai Tengu DensetsuAwesomeオープニング
Ace Combat 2AwesomeLightning Speed, Invoke, Aim High, Rising High
Ace Combat 3AwesomeRevelation, The Crew, Execution, Mind Flow
Ace Combat 4AwesomeEcho, Tango Line, Scramble, Blue Skies, Gateway
Ace Combat 5GoodArcade Do or Die, Arcade Broken Skies, First Flight, Naval Blockade
Ace Combat 6GoodThe Liberation of Gracemeria, Sortie 4, The Dead Sea, Anea Landing
Ace Combat 7AwesomeRescue, 444, Fort Grays Air Base Hangar, Archange, Space Elevator
AchronGoodCESO, All is Lost, PNC, End of All Things
Act of AgressionAwesome
ActRaiserAwesomeFilmoa, Opening, Birth of the People
Adidas Championship FootballAwesomeIntro Game Options
Adventures of Lolo 2AwesomeKing of Eggerland
Adventures of Lolo 3GoodKing of Eggerland, Boss Battle, Level Theme
After Burner IIAwesomeAfter Burner
After BurstAwesomeStage BGM 3
Age of Empires 2GoodNeep Ninny-Bod, T Station, Shamburger
Age of Empires 3GoodA Hot Meal, Across the Ocean Sea, Where’s My Uncle, There Is Weather Decisions Are Made
Age of SailGoodSoundtrack 3, Soundtrack 5, Soundtrack 9, Soundtrack 11
Age of WondersAwesomeContent Workforce
Age of Wonders 2GoodWater Song, Earth Song, Life Song
Age of Wonders 3Awesome
Age of Wonders PlanetfallGoodPraying for Oblivion
A Hat in TimeAwesome
Air BusterGoodThe Borderline, Scramble, Out of Gravity, Ending
Air CombatAwesomeHead First, Friends, Get Off Him
Air Conflicts: Pacific CarriersGoodTeikoku, The Last Push
Air DiverGoodOpening Theme, Title Theme, Australia
Air DuelGoodAircraft Select, Ranking, Mission 4, Mission 1
Akuma-kun: Makai no Wana?Opening
Akumajō Special: Boku Dracula-kunAwesomeCalling Tiffany, Roller Coaster Ride, Robot Battle
Alex Kidd in Shinobi WorldGoodKabuto, Raid of the Helicopters
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted CastleGoodCastle, Town, Desert
Alianator?Title Screen
Alien Arena 2011GoodTrack 3, Track 2, Track 6
Alien Breed 3DGoodRiding the Stream, The Breed, Ashes of the Dead
Alien StormAwesomeMission 2-2, Mission 1-1, Mission 5, Mission 2-1
Alien TrilogyGoodTrack 14, Track 1, Track 16, Track 7, Track 9
Alien vs. PredatorGoodOpening, Forced Assault, Final Boss
Alpha PrimeGoodThe Dock, Specops, Heavy Assault, The End, Take It
Altered BeastGoodEnding
Altered DestinyMehTrack 19, Track 23, Track 14, Track 1
Al Unser Jr. Turbo RacingGoodCircuit Qualify, Circuit Theme C, Cutscene Theme
AmaranthAwesome打打発止, 水天彷彿, 画竜点睛, 獅子奮迅, 落花狼藉
Amazing PenguinGoodRoom Theme 2
American ConquestGoodMaya Indians Theme, French Theme, American Theme, British Theme
AmidaMehBGM 01
Amid EvilGoodTime Vacuum, Somber Mythology
AmsterdoomGoodTheme Song
Ancient SpaceMehUCS Olympus, Heart of the Zone vocalise, Entropy Propagation, Paradigm Research Cabinet
A Nightmare on Elm StreetGood1...2... Freddy's Coming for You, House Theme 3
Anno 1404GoodGlory to our King, Banquet for his Majesty, Island Harbour, The Orient Sun, Market
Anno 1503AwesomeBagpipe-Song, Land-Campaign, Scarborough, Morris-Dance, Raindance
Anno 1701GoodSituation Positive, Glory to our Kin
Anno 2070GoodThe City Never Sleeps, Avoiding Morality, Confidence, Cascading Colours
Anno 2205GoodA Dying Glacier’s Whisper, Neo Industrialist, Lei Sheng Technology, Closing Credits
Aoi BlinkAwesomeIngame 7, Ingame 3, Boss
Apex LegendsGoodMain Theme
Apocryph?Combat Music 2, Combat Music 3
ApprenticeGoodLevel 3, Level 2
A Prehistoric TaleAwesomeLevel 02B, Level 01A
Aqua JackAwesome
AquanoxGoodAqua, Cloud of Terror, Like This, Yelling Hell
Arcade Fruit Machine?Main Theme
Arcus II: Silent SymphonyAwesomeUp Down, Ten Years After, Light And Dark, Strange Island, Deserted Ruins
Area-51GoodBlack Combat 3, Blue Combat 2, Area 51 (Unused)
Arena Wars ReloadedAwesome
ArgoGoodMatch Win, Main Theme
Arizona SunshineMehBye Arizona Sunshine (Alternative), Here They Come, Bye Arizona Sunshine
Arkanoid: Revenge of DOHMehTitle
Arkista's RingGoodTitle Screen
Arktika.1GoodVR Missions, Galleria, Cargo (Part 4)
ARMA Combat OperationsGoodChorus
Armada 2526GoodResearch Theme, Teyes Theme, Jellution Theme, Cancerian Theme, Linkin Theme
Armageddon EmpiresGoodWorld Map 1, World Map 2
ArmA IIIGoodThis is War (Marksmen DLC Remix 2, Virtual Reality Remix), Into The Sun, Longplay, 1983
ArmA II: Operation ArrowheadGoodGood Morning T-Stan, Dancing Scimitar, Zargabad Market, Nightlife, Crude Oil
Armed and DangerousGoodSave the Last Pint, Level 1 Ambiance, Level 2 Ambiance, Level 5 Ambiance
ArmelloGoodBeyond Burrow, Wyld's Call, Far From Home
Armored CoreGoodShape Memory Alloys, Complete Physical, P.O.Box
Armored Core 2GoodFirework, Red Impulse
Armored Core 2: Another AgeGoodRestrict, Check the Back, Detect Type0
Armored Core 3GoodIn My Heart, Artificial Sky
Armored Core 4GoodThinker, Fall, Panther, Twist It
Armored Core 5GoodWhy Don't You Come Down, Vulture, Lament Over the Howling Age, Choral, Scientist, Stain
Armored Core: For AnswerGoodScorcher, 4 the Answer, The Bloody Honey Cannot Stop, Spirit of Motherwill, Great Wall
Armored Core: Formula FrontAwesomeOpposition, Ravenfish, Fever, Fake Facer, Tyro, Inject the Right Tracks, AP 10
Armored Core: Master of ArenaGoodApex in Circle
Armored Core: MobileGoodMobile Mission Part2, Mobile 2 Briefing, Mobile 4 Ending, Mobile 4 Mission Part2
Armored Core: NexusAwesomeShining, Prescription, Chronocrash, Whiz Drop Nutty, Lightning Volcano, Complete Physical tek
Armored Core: Nine BreakerGoodThe Encounter World, Running Man, Total Shape, Exercise Bike
Armored Core: Silent LineGoodSilent Line 1, Morning Lemontea, Dry Mirage, Falling Down
Armored Core: Verdict DayGoodDirty Worker, Year of Verdict Day, High Fever, Scavengers, Ever Green Family
Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M.GoodTemple, Cold Winter Normal, Cold Winter attack
Army Ranger: MogadishuGoodIntense01, Intense02, Stealth01
Arnold Palmer Tournament GolfGoodBGM 1
Arrow FlashGoodStage 1, Stage 2-1
ArteliusGoodMenu Theme
Art of RallyAwesome
Ashura BlasterGoodStage D
Assault CityGoodStory 1
Assault RigsGoodTrack 4, Track 8, Track 6
Astro Fang: Super MachineMehEnding, Track Layout
Astro RabbyMehBGM 03
AstyanaxMehRound 1-1, Title Screen, Intro
Atlantis the Lost TalesGoodSunriders, Am Ma Eya, Rhéa, Para Nua
Atomega?Opening Music
Atomic 79?Super Spoopy
Atomic PunkGood24, 27, 01, 21
Atomic Robo-KidAwesomeBGM E, BGM A
AtominoAwesomeMode A+B
AtomixGoodThe Last Sun
AtroxMehFinal Odyssey, Truth of Bellum
Attack of the ZolgearGoodStand By J2, Exia Space, Gravity Organ
Auf Wiedersehen Monty?Main Theme
Auto DestructGoodSan Francisco, Tokyo
AwesomeGoodAsteroids, Boss, Planet
B.A.T.GoodTitle Screen
Baby BoomerMehStage 1
Back to the Future Part II & IIIMeh1985 Stage
Bad DudesGoodStage 2, Stage 1
BadlandsGoodBGM02A, BGM04A, BGM02B
Bad News BaseballGoodPassword, Menu, All-Star Game
Baldur's GateGoodTavern Theme 2, Exploring the Plains, Main Theme, Safe in Beregost
Baldur's Gate 2MehThe Vulgar Monkey Tavern, City Gates, The Pirate Isle, Taverns, De-Arnise Hold Besieged
Baldur's Gate 2: Throne of BhaalMehFire Giant March
Baldur's Gate 3GoodDown by the River, Weeping Dawn, Emerald Grove, Harpy Song, Bard Dance, Dream Walk
Balloon KidMehBoss Defeated, Stage 1
Bandit Kings of Ancient ChinaAwesomeA Grove in Summer, Transferal, Summer
Bandits Phoenix RisingGoodIn Rock We Trust, Pumped up Funk
Barker Bill's Trick ShootingGoodCoin Game
BarunbaGoodArea Map
Baseball Simulator 1.000GoodUltra League 1
Baseball Stars ProfessionalGoodTrack 04
Bases Loaded 3GoodChicago Stadium (Batting), New York Stadium (Batting)
BatmanAwesomeMain BGM 1, Title Theme
BatmanGoodChemical Industry
Batman: The Video GameGoodFlugalheim Museum
Batman: The Video GameAwesomeGotham City Streets 1, Flugelheim Museum
Batman: The Video GameAwesomeLaboratory Ruins, Streets of Desolation
Battalion Wars 2GoodUp Periscope, Wings of the Gunship, Tundra Territories Theme, Operation Nautilus
Battle B-Daman: Fire Spirits!AwesomeTrack 03, Track 01, Track 06, Track 05, Track 09
BattlebornGoodThe Algorithm Action, The Sentinel Action, Toby Raid Boss, Oscar Mike Raid Boss, Montana Theme
Battle BullGoodBGM 5, BGM 10
Battle Chasers: NightwarAwesomeTheme, The Beginning, When the Smoke Clears, William's Memory, Mountainside
Battle ChessGoodBGM 5
Battle Chess II: Chinese ChessMehTitle
Battlecruiser MillenniumAwesome
Battlefield 1942MehMain Theme, Vehicle 3, Slaughter 1, Vehicle 2, Slaughter 3, Sneak 3
Battlefield 2GoodMEC Loading Theme, US Loading Theme, China Loading Theme
Battlefield 2142MehBattlefield 2142 Theme, Suez Canal, Tunis Harbor, Verdun, Cerbere Landing
Battle FrenzyGoodLevel 3
Battle Isle 2Awesome
BattlemorphAwesomeKalmer Underwater
Battle RealmsGoodReturn of the Dragon, Better Days Normal
Battle RoyaleGoodThe Meat-Eater
Battle SquadronGoodTitle, Credits
Battlestar Galactica?Battle Theme
Battlestations: MidwayGoodMidway Theme, Japan Tension, US Action
Battlestations: PacificGoodYamato Action, US Action, Japan Calm, Underwater Calm, Coral Sea Action
BattlestormAwesomeTrack 5
Battlestrike: Force of ResistanceGoodMain Menu, The End Game
BattleTanx: Global AssaultGoodTitle, Houses of Parliament, Texas Slave Fortress, SF Airport, Drive In
Battle Unit ZeothMehStage 5, Staff Roll
BattlewakeGoodWar At Urth's End
BattlezoneGoodRussian 3, Track 8, Track 12, Track 7, Track 9
Battlezone II: Combat CommanderGoodTrack 9, Track 3, Track 8, Track 7, Track 4
Beast Busters: Second NightmareMehDance of Resurgents, Salvation, Into The Deadline, Throes Of Rejection
BedlamGoodTrack 7
Behind the Iron Gate?Menu, Tune 3
Bet on Soldier: Blood SportMehJingle
Beverly Hills CopMehTitle
Beyond Good & EvilGoodHyllian Suite, Mammago's Garage, Fun and Mini-Games, Dancing with Domz
Beyond the WireGoodPound Street, Main Theme, Back Home, The Soldier's Poem
Big Buck Hunter ProAwesome
Big Buck Hunter Pro Open SeasonAwesome
Big Buck Hunter ReloadedGoodDuck Results, Zombie Deer Theme, Movie Theatre, Hoedown
Big Buck SafariAwesome
Big Buck WorldAwesome
Bigfoot (nes)GoodROAD.T
Bio-Ship PaladinAwesomeField, Ruins
Bionic CommandoGoodLeap of Faith, Power Plant, Theme
Black IceGoodIce Ice Business, Cyberswarm, Swallowed, Psyched, V-Rex, New Transmission
Black MesaGoodQuestionable Ethics 1, End Credits Part 2, Internal Conflict
Black Moon ChroniclesAwesomeWismerhill
Black TigerGoodSky Passage, Ranking
Blades of SteelGoodUnknown Theme, Menu, Warm Up
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldGoodHeading To The Boss, Menu
BlasteroidsMehUnknown 2, Attract
Blazing ThunderMehTitle
Blinkys Scary SchoolMehTitle Screen, Ending
Blitz Brigade?Theme Song
Blitzkrieg 2GoodAmerican Combat, Common Combat, Russian Combat, German Combat
Block HoleAwesome
Block N LoadGoodMain Menu
BlockoutAwesomeRound 05, Round Select, Bonus Stage
Blockstorm?03, 01
BloodGoodShareware Test, Blood 4, Infuscomus, Unreleased 12
Blood & BaconMehDaylight, Next Day, Saved
Blood Bros.GoodStage Theme, Boss 1
Blood II: The ChosenMehCabalCo Transit System, Center for Disease Management
Bloodwings Pumpkinhead's RevengeMehMain Title
Bloody WolfAwesomeScene 1, Scene 4, Title
BloxeedGood2P BGM, Danger
Blue Angel 69AwesomeTitle
Body CountGoodStage 2 Boss, Stage 2
Bogey: Dead 6GoodFighter Select, Game Menu, Main Theme
Boiling PointGoodMain Theme, Mountain Silence
BombermanAwesomeBonus Stage, Stage Theme
Bomb JackAwesomeLevel Theme
BombuzalGoodTitle Screen, The End
Bonanza Bros.AwesomeBonanza Suspense Theater
BoneworksGoodSunset Arthur, Who Am I, Bone Theme
Bonk's AdventureAwesome
BorderlandsGoodFighting Off The Skags, Welcome To Fyrestone, The Junkyard Vista
Borderlands 2GoodLynchwood Sheriff Combat, Bandit Slaughter, Fyrestone, Ice
Borderlands 3GoodThe Dormant Ship Attacks, Digby Vermouth - Supernova Dreamsicle
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!GoodArrival, Celestial Spaceport, Beyond the Biodome, System Interference
Boulder DashAwesomeBoulder World, Sand World, Ice World
BoxxleGoodBGM 1, BGM 3
Boxxle IIGoodBGM 3
BoxyboyGoodChina Theme
BPM: Bullets Per MinuteAwesomeHuggin's Shop, Blacksmith Theme, Vanaheim, Judgement
BrainBread 2MehRetrospect, Biohazard
BreedAwesomeComp09, Comp03, Comp04, Comp05
Bretonne LaisAwesomeOpening, Lotus Eaters
BrinkGoodResistance Character Theme Light, Resistance Main Theme, Resistance Weapon Theme
Brütal LegendAwesome
Bubble Bobble (NES)AwesomeRoom Theme
Bubble GhostGoodEnding
Buck FeverAwesomeCindy, Green Mountain, Memphis Sky 1
Budokan: The Martial SpiritGoodInterlude, Title
Bug BashGoodTitle
Builderland: The Story of MelbaAwesomeBGM 3, BGM 2
BulletstormGoodThe Storm, Too Many to Kill Them All, Theme
Burai FighterGoodStage 2, Stage 4
Burai: Gekan - Kanketsu-henMehTrack 11, Track 05, Track 04
Burai: Jokan?Theme
Burn:CycleAwesomePsychic Roulette, Zip, System Software, Meltdown, Buddha's Voice
Burnin' RubberGoodTrack 2
Burning AngelsGoodStage 3
Burning Force (Genesis)AwesomeBay Yard
Burning Soldier?Hop Up
Buster Bros.GoodMt. Fuji, Continue?, Emerald Temple
Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2010MehPuma Fight
Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2012GoodGallery Track 7, Gallery Track 1
Caesars Palace (NES)MehTitle
California Games (Mega Drive)AwesomeTitle Screen, Skating, Foot Bag
California Games II (DOS)GoodGlide
Call of Duty 4: Modern WarfareMehMile High Club, The Coup, Pinned Down
Call of Duty: Advanced WarfareGoodChain Reaction, Draconian Dream
Call of Duty: Black OpsAwesomeEagle Claw Part 2, Rooftops, Virus, Melville, Dwarka
Call of Duty: Black Ops - Cold WarGoodRising Tide, Comrades in Arms, Amsterdam, Lockdown, Cuban Crisis
Call of Duty Black Ops 4MehShockwave, Mystery, Drowning, Where Are We Going?
Call of Duty: Black Ops IIAwesomeShadows, Sand and Camels, Pakistan Run, Future Wars, Flying Squirrels
Call of Duty: Black Ops IIIGoodSand Castle, Into the Q Zone, Ignition
Call of Duty: World at WarGoodRussian Theme, Black Cat, Fight Parliament, Dog Fire
Call of JuarezGoodHome, Free Hunting, Act Chase_2, Action Loop
Call of Juarez: GunslingerAwesomeBorderland 56, Wilderness 3b, Borderland 59, Menu 5
Call of Juarez: The CartelGoodTrack 7, Track 10, Track 5
Can Can Bunny Superior (X68000)GoodBoat, A.Y.A.
Cannon FodderAwesomeIntro
Cannon Fodder 2Awesome
Captain BloodMehTitle
Captain Skyhawk (NES)GoodSpace Dock, Congratulations
Card & Puzzle Collection: GingaAwesomeBGM #04, BGM #08
CarnEvilGoodBig Bunyan Ride!, The Breakfast Bowl
Carnivores: CityscapeGoodExtraction, Main Theme, Rescue
Carrier Air WingAwesomeMission 4, Mission 8
Carrier CommandMehTheme
Carrier Command: Gaea MissionGoodTotal Eclipse, The Escape, Lon's Theme
CarVupGoodIngame 3, Ingame 2
Castle CrashersAwesomeWinterbliss
Castle Master?Theme
CastleMiner ZGoodLeaving Home, Desert, Mountains, Main Menu
Castle of DragonGoodEnding, The Wenlary Castle, Boss Theme 1
Castle of Illusion starring Mickey MouseGoodStage 1-1, Stage 2-1, Stage 4-1
CastlevaniaAwesomeVampire Killer, Wicked Child, Heart of Fire, Out of Time, Stalker
Castlevania 4AwesomeClock Tower, Simon's Theme, Forest of Monsters, Treasury Room
Castlevania III: Dracula's CurseGoodBeginning, Aquarius
Castlevania II: Simon's QuestAwesomeBloody Tears, Monster Dance, The Silence of Daylight
Caveman Ugh-Lympics (NES)GoodSabre Race
CellFactor: Psychokinetic WarsGoodMain Menu, Angel's Wall, Training Room, Reactor
CellFactor: RevolutionGoodCellfactor, PhysXArena
Celtic Kings: Rage of WarAwesomeSong 5, Song 1, Song 2, Song 9
ChameleonGoodAfghanistan, Colombia, Lebanon
Champions of Krynn (PC-98)AwesomeBattle 1, Town, Dungeon 1
Champion Wrestler (Arcade)GoodBGM 2
Chariots of WarAwesomeDeployment, Battle Won, Battle Lost, Front End
Chase H.Q.GoodThis is Chase H.Q., Los Angeles
ChaserGoodNippon Hotel, Montack City, Portland, Ship Graveyard, Mars Spaceport
Chasm: The RiftMehTrack 9
Chernobyl CommandoGoodTrack 12, Track 11
Chew Man FuAwesomeStage 5, Kick Ball, Stage 3
Chex QuestGoodLaboratory, Arboretum, Storage Facility
Chex Quest 2GoodChex Museum
Chex Quest 3GoodProvincial Park, United Cereals, Meteor Spacecraft
Chiki Chiki Boys (Genesis)GoodRound 5-1, Round 2
Child of EdenAwesomeTitle
Chip's Challenge (Lynx)?Level 23
Chop N' Drop (C64)GoodTitle
ChromaGunGoodA Leaf in the Wind, Chroma Fire
ChromeGoodEnding Theme, B303 Speeder, I Know You Logan, Enemy in Sight
Chrome SpecForceGood
Chrono Quest IIGoodTitle
Circuit's Edge?Bar Theme
Circus CaperGoodScene 6
Cisco Heat: All American Police Car Race (Arcade)GoodBGM 6, BGM 8
City HunterGoodBoss Theme, Mission Select
Clash at DemonheadGoodTrack 18, Ending
Clash RoyaleGoodBattle 1, Forest Arena, Menu
Classic ConcentrationMehSetup, Title Screen
Cloudbase PrimeAwesomeShiftwork
Cloud MasterGoodMt. Gogyo
Cloud Pirates?We're Pirates!, To Fight!, Bay Theme
ClustertruckAwesomeCogworld, Hell Is Other Trucks, Wayward Woods, The Truckhold, Neotropolis
Code-Name: IcemanAwesomeThe Chase, Iceman Theme, ChiChi Bar 3, Washington Airport
Coded ArmsAwesomeEnforcer, Town, Infested Zone
Codename: OutbreakGoodCombat, Theme
Codename: Panzers - Cold War?Theme
Codename: Panzers - Phase TwoGoodDesert Ambient, Balkan Ambient, Victory Theme
Code Name: ViperGoodArea 7, Helicopter Drop
Coffin Rot Brewing Co.GoodRow Me Gold to Shore, Kept and Quiet, Jiggy Boi
Columns (Genesis)GoodLathesis
Columns II: The Voyage Through TimeGoodBonus, Arabian Jewelry
Combat ArmsGoodNo Contest, Let Loose the Beast, Light At The End Of The Barrel, The Front, Until the Day is Won
Combat ZoneGoodBGM 5
Combo Racer (Amiga)MehTitle
Command & Conquer 2 Tiberian SunAwesomePharotek
Command & Conquer 3 Kane's WrathAwesomeMechanical Mind
Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium WarsGoodThe Zenith, Tiberian Influx, Deadly Force
Command & Conquer: GeneralsGoodGLA7, GLA3 Peacetime, GLA8, China10 Peacetime
Command & Conquer Red AlertAwesomeRoll Out
Command & Conquer Red Alert 2AwesomeDestroy, Deceiver
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3AwesomeShock & Awe
Command & Conquer RenegadeGoodCommand & Conquer
Command & Conquer Renegade XAwesomeJust Do It Up
Command & Conquer Tiberian DawnAwesomeThang, Airstrike
Commandos 2: Men of CourageAwesomeDawn at Savo Island, Flying on the Water, I Don't Want to Remember, Nightfall After the Battle
Commandos 3: Destination BerlinGoodRoad to War, The Fight for Stalingrad, Flying on the Water, Sweet Steel
Commandos: Beyond the Call of DutyGoodTactic Theme, Tactic Theme 3, Main Theme, Briefing Theme 8
Confidential MissionGoodTrack 28, Track 02, Track 03, Track 05
ConflictMehManufacturing Menu
Conquest Earth: "First Encounter"AwesomeImplant, Gulf Breeze, Abduction
Conquest: Frontier WarsGoodMain Menu, Celareon, Single Player Menu
Conquest of the Crystal PalaceAwesomeStage 1, Stage 5, Kim's Shop, Unknown Theme 2, Opening
Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the GrailGoodBattle with Saracen, Thief, Camelot, Pool of Siloam, Fatima's Dance
ContagionGoodBarlowe Transit, Back To Hell, No Backing Down, No Regrets, Sleep
Continuum (Alpha Waves)GoodAwaken, Relax, Title Screen
Contra (Arcade)Awesome
Contract J.A.C.K.MehProposition, Main Menu
Cool BallGoodMain Theme
CorporationMehMenu Theme
Corridor 7: Alien InvasionGoodCD Track 2, Floor 26, Floor 11, Floor 12, Floor 4
Cosmic Fantasy: Bouken Shounen YuuGoodBattle
Cosmic StormGoodUnknown
Cosmo TankGoodHeaded to a New Planet, Overhead Planet
Cossacks 3GoodAlgeria
Cossacks: European WarsGoodTrack 3, Track 11, Track 8
Counter-Strike NeoGoodPiece in Love, Glide Finger, Expositor, Piece by Piece
Counter-Strike OnlineGoodTotal War Starting, Total War Blaze Train, Village 02, Challenge Mode
Counter-Strike Online 2GoodShop 5, Lobby Theme 17, Lobby Theme 6, Sudden Time 2, Gun Ball
Crack DownGoodKill Off, Ambush
CratermazeAwesomeBooby Castle Town
Creeper WorldAwesome
Creeper World 3AwesomeMortars Baby
Crime CitiesGoodBlackloud Night, Blackloud Police Chase
Crime CrackersAwesome
Crime Crackers 2GoodLady First, Escape, Yell, Strategy, Adventure, An Unexpected Visit
Crime Time (C64)GoodIn-Game
Croc Legend of the GobbosAwesome
CrossFireGoodDeath Rally, Taichi Space, Old Lobby Music, Sheep Mode, Dance Time
Cross Wiber: Cyber-Combat-PoliceGoodChapter 12
Crusader No RegretAwesomeDark, Party, Stint, The Traveler, MK
Crusader No RemorseAwesomeThe Traveler, Dimension 2012, Hypnotic, Mission 13
Crypt of the NecrodancerAwesomeThe Wight to Remain
CTU: Marine SharpshooterGoodSniper1Seg3, Menu, Sniper2Seg3, Sniper3Seg2, Intro
Cue BrickAwesomeEnding
Cultures 2: The Gates of AsgardGood2, 3, 4
Curse of Babylon (PC-88)GoodOpening
Curse of the Azure Bonds (PC-98)MehDungeon 2, Character Creation, Title
Cutie Suzuki no Ringside AngelAwesomeNew Face White Snow, Grand Champion
Cyber-core (X68000)AwesomeStage 1, Stage 3
Cyber Knight (SNES)GoodMenu, Title
CyberMage: Darklight AwakeningGoodIn-game 5, In-game 10, In-game 6, In-game 26
CyClonesGood3, 17, 5, 7, 6
Daedalian OpusGoodBGM 5
Daemon X MachinaAwesomeHangar, Destiny, Mercenary Life, Shell (Vocal), Ice Cream, Testing Ground
DaikatanaGoodKick Action, Iced Passage 1
Daisenryaku III '90GoodMusic 3, Music 15
Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge (Amstrad)MehTitle
Darkest DungeonGoodCombat in the Ruins, Return to the Warrens, Hamlet
Dark Reign 2Good1
DarkwatchMehRide Like Hell, Main Menu, Torture Maze, Cemetery Battle, The Curse Is Lifted
DarwiniaMehPain Fade Down, Visitors From Dreams
Day of DefeatMehTitle Screen
Dead Man's HandGood5, 11, 1, 9, 8
Delta ForceMehTheme
Delta Force: Black Hawk DownGood16, 7, 24, 28, 14
Delta Force: Urban WarfareMehFlow Head
Delta Force: Xtreme?Menu
Delta Force: Xtreme 2?Menu
DemigodGoodAncient Lore
DescentGoodCallisto Tower Colony, Mars Processing Station
Descent 3MehLevel 7, Mercenary 7, Mercenary 1, Secret 2, Secret 1
Descent IIMehGlut, Crush, Cold Reality
Desperados 2: Cooper's RevengeGoodInstall Song, Eagle's Nest Song, Sanchez Song
Desperados IIIAwesomeGuns Blazing, Five Steps Ahead, Wanted Dead or Alive, Main Theme, The Bridge at Eagle Falls
Deus ExAwesomeEnemy Within
Deus Ex 2 Invisible WarMehTitle Theme, City Hub, Mosque
Deus Ex 3 Human RevolutionAwesome
DevastationGoodTrack 0, Track 3, Track 5
Devil Crash MDAwesomeMain Table
Devil May Cry 5GoodDevil Trigger, Voltaic Black Knight, GARAGE, Any Special Orders
DiabloGoodTown, Catacombs, Dungeon
Diablo IIGoodTristram, Rogue, Harem, Wilderness, Desert, Toru
Diablo IIIGoodNew Tristram, Bastion's Keep, The Eternal Conflict, Demon Hunter
Disc RoomAwesomeRun with a Vengeance, Bunch of Jerks, Anatomy Everywhere
Disney's Tarzan Action GameGoodTrack 5, Track 2, Track 3
DisruptorMehKrieger's Fortress Tension, Jupiter Station Tension
Divinity 2 Ego DraconisAwesomeBroken Valley Wakes, In the King's Gardens, The Dragon Terror Patrol Will Prevail
Dogs of War?Intro
Dominion Storm over Gift 3AwesomeEternal Resolution
DOOMGoodAt Doom's Gate, Hiding the Secrets, I Sawed the Demons
DOOM 3MehMain Theme
DOOM 4GoodBFG Division
DOOM EternalGoodDOOM Eternal, Meathook, Final Sin, The Betrayer
DOOM IIGoodRunning From Evil, The Demon's Dead, Endgame, Shawn's Got the Shotgun
Duke Caribbean: Life's A BeachGoodCaribbean Catastrophe, The Wavemistress, Lost Lagoon
Duke it out in D.C.AwesomeDungeonhack, Abandoned Castle, Dukedc, Trixmat, Therain, Robocop
Duke Nukem 3DGoodGrabbag, The City Streets, Missing? Impossible!, Stalker, Water World
Dune 2000AwesomeHarkonnen Battle
Dungeons & Dragons: DragonshardGoodOrder of the Flame: Battle 2, OotF: Battle 8, OotF: Battle 7
Dyna BlasterAwesomeTitle Screen, Battle Mode
Ecks vs. SeverGood4
Ecks vs. Sever BallisticGood5, 4, 1
EinhänderAwesomeConflict, Afterimage, Dawn, Madness, Thermosphere, Badlands, Factory, Ruins
Elder Scrolls 3 MorrowindAwesomeThe Road Most Travelled
Elder Scrolls 4 OblivionAwesomeReign of the Septims, Wings of Kynareth, Watchman's Ease, Sunrise of Flutes
Elder Scrolls 5 SkyrimAwesomeWatch the Skies
Elemental MasterAwesomeBlood-Stained Lake
Emperor Battle for DuneAwesomeWar for the Spice, The Strategist
Empire EarthMehPawns, Emnity, Shadows
Empires ApartGoodThe Crashing of the Red Tide, From Fields to Towns, Rise of the Middle Kingdom, Blades of the Faithful
Empires: Dawn of the Modern WorldGoodFor Lord and Land, Rise of Empires
Enemy InfestationMehTrack 4
Enemy NationsGoodCue 120A
Escape from Monster ManorMehColor Echo, Haunt Hop Two, Main Theme
EtheriumGoodExpanding, First Assault, Serenade's Sands
Europa Universalis IIIAwesomeSwashbuckling Privateers, The Highland Wanderer, Conquistador
Europa Universalis: RomeGoodRome Goes to War, Imperator, Battle of Zama, Elysian Fields
ExapunksAwesomeGetting Started, Let's ハッキング
ExhumedGoodSet Arena, End Credits, Tomb of Ramses, Kilmaat Arena
Exodus: The Last WarGood7, 4, 12, 3
Faces of WarGoodMidnight 2, Presentiment, Presentiment 2, Loading, Allied Theme
FalloutAwesomeMetallic Monks, Moribund World
Fallout 2AwesomeMy Chrysalis Highwayman
Fallout 3MehMain Title, A Stranger in Town, What Remains, Old Lands New Frontiers
Fallout 4GoodOf the People for the People, Rebuild Renew, Dominant Species, Enough is Enough
Fallout: New VegasGoodThe Viper's Sting, Out of Business, Beneath the Streets, Battle for the City
Far CryMehMenu, Demo, Water, Carfight
Final Liberation: Warhammer Epic 40,000Awesome
Flying HeroesAwesomeUnder Fire, UFO, Results Screen, Credits, Pyramides 1, Lakes, Abyss 2
Forged BattalionGoodBattle 3, Battle 7, Battle 5, Battle 4
Freedom ForceGoodPrehistoric Panic, Nuclear Winter 2, Skating on Thin Ice 2, The Minuteman 3, Nuclear Winter 3
Freedom Force vs The 3rd ReichGoodNuclear Winter, Cuba, Red Sun Fight, Red, Inside
Frontlines: Fuel of WarGoodCloser to Home, Solid Objects, Run for Cover, Main Menu
Frozen SynapseAwesomeMy Beautiful Escape, Focus, Triumph, Switch, Concentrate
Frozen Synapse 2AwesomeComplicity, Incursion, Contact, Theme, Infiltration
Galak-Z: The DimensionalGoodSuperluminal Wavelength, Celestial Scrapyard, The Dimensional Mech Version, White Tusk
GanglandGoodYou're Dead, Challenge Theme, Main theme, Battle Theme
Gauntlet IVGoodSortie, Transparent Obstacle, March in the Dark, Adventures of Iron
GeistGoodStalwart, Fighting Force, Escaping Containment, Juliet
Genesis RisingGoodDefiance, Inquisition, Main Menu
Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone ComplexAwesomePrayer
Ghost SquadGoodTrack 45, Track 50, Track 3, Track 11, Track 40, Track 17, Track 13, Track 7
Giants: Citizen KabutoGoodYan's Dojo, Dangerous Magic, Meccs at the Ready, La Mer Agitee
Gloom?Title Music
GoldenEye 007GoodTheme, Dam, Escape from Arkangelsk, Antenna Cradle
GoldenEye: Rogue AgentAwesomeMidias Casino 4, Main Menu, Fort Knox 2, Auric Enterprises 13, Octopuss 6, Hoover Dam 8
GothicGoodOld Camp
Gothic 2GoodPyramid Valley
Great Battles of WWII: StalingradGoodCredits, Combat 4
Grey GooGoodWar Is Evolving, Increase Production, Agile Maneuvers, Human Confrontation, Battle Stations, On the Hunt
GRIDAwesomeReplay Theme 2, Replay Theme 5, Menu Theme 2
GRID 2AwesomeReplay 16, Replay 6, Ambient 5, Ambient 2, Replay 5, Ambient 4
GRiMgRiMoiReAwesomeBook of Days, Sincerely, Main Theme
Ground Control II: Operation ExodusGoodMain Theme, Track 8, Track 5
Growlanser: Heritage of WarAwesomeDaydreaming, PMB's Theme, Green Grass, Winds of War
Gunman ChroniclesGoodTrack 11, Track 10, Track 9, Track 8
GunmetalGoodSiberian Excursion, December Dawn, Vesuvius, Atlas Crumbles, Bleach, Last of the Species
HadesAwesomeThe Exalted, The Painful Way, Out of Tartarus, Good Riddance
Haegemonia: Legions of IronGoodBattle 2 Level 2, Battle 5 Level 3, Battle 1 Level 2, Ambient 10
Half-Life 2GoodSomething Secret Steers Us, Tracking Device, Triage at Dawn, What Kind Of Hospital Is This, Sector Sweep
Half LifeGoodNuclear Mission Jam, Credits
Halo 2GoodMjolnir Mix, Blow Me Away, 1st Movement of the Odyssey, Never Surrender
Halo 3GoodOne Final Effort, Three Gates, Behold a Pale Horse, Released, Edge Closer
Halo: Combat EvolvedGoodHalo, Perilious Journey, A Walk in the Woods
Halo WarsGoodJust Ad Nauseum, Money or Meteors, Flip and Sizzle, Part of the Problem
HandkerchiefAwesomeBoss, Stage
Hearts of Iron 4GoodThe Might of the Soviet Union, We Are Soldiers, The Royal Air Force
Hearts of Iron 4 Battle For the BosporusAwesomeThe Black Sea, The End of the War
Hearts of Iron 4 By Blood AloneAwesomeBella Ciao, Safer Grounds, Cittadina Irresistible
Hearts of Iron 4 Eastern Front Music PackGoodNational Anthem of the USSR, Drum Bun
Hearts of Iron 4 Man the GunsMehShatter the Empires
Hearts of Iron 4 No Step BackGoodMarch of the Defenders, Katyusha
Hearts of Iron 4 Radio PackGoodSchwarzbraun ist Die Haselnuss, Der Mächtigste König Im Luftrevier, Countryside Stories, Raise the Flag
Hearts of Iron 4 Sabaton SoundtrackAwesomeNight Witches, Hearts of Iron, Wolfpack
Hearts of Iron 4 Sabaton Soundtrack Vol. 2AwesomeGhost Division, Screaming Eagles, Uprising
Hearts of Iron 4 Waking the TigerGoodBattle of Wuhan, War of Resistance
HereticGoodThe Dungeons, The Glacier
Heroes of ManaAwesome
Heroes of Might & MagicGoodBarbarian Town, Battle 2, Knight Town
Heroes of Might & Magic 2GoodSorceress Town, Fields Theme
Heroes of Might & Magic 3AwesomeStronghold, Rampart
Heroes of Might & Magic 4AwesomeHope, Floating Across Water
Heroes of Might & Magic 5GoodSylvan, Grass
Hexen IIGoodBridge of Stars, The Pyramid of Anubis, Temple of Horus Heretic, Eidolon's Ordeal
Highland WarriorsGood6, 1, 7
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising?Credits, Main Menu
IconoclastsAwesomeMachines, Strait Song
IkarugaGoodButsutekkai, Ideal, Faith
Imperial GloryAwesomeDreaming Of Empire, Ambition Rewarded
Imperivm the Great Battles of RomeMehTrack 5, Track 2, Main Menu
Impossible CreaturesGoodSavannah, Arctic, Desert
IncredipedeAwesomethe one used in trailer
IncubationMehIncubation of An Insect Nation V1
InfinifactoryAwesomeHuman Ingenuity, Asteroids, The Harvest
In Pursuit of GreedGoodDimension 2012, Escape, Song 2, Aard, Isotoxin
Intensity XS?Stage 1
I of the DragonGoodHard 1, DF New 5, Eazy 2, Monsters, DF New 2, Ambience 2
Iron Angel of the ApocalypseGoodStage 3, Floor 31, Stage 2
Isle of the DeadMehFinal Level
Jane's Combat Simulations: Fleet CommandGoodTrack 6
Jazz Jackrabbit 2AwesomeLabratory, Tubelectric
Jeff Wayne's War of the WorldsAwesomeHorsell Common
Jets & GunsAwesomeMain Theme, Death from above, Retrospection
Jets & Guns 2AwesomeMain Theme, My Astronomical Unit, Shopmusic
Joint Operations: Typhoon RisingAwesomeCredits
Joint Task ForceGoodEnding, Afghanistan 1, Main Menu
Judge Dredd: Dredd vs DeathGoodAction 1, Action 4, Tension 2, Special 1, Action 8
Jumping Flash!Good1-1
Kessen 2GoodOpening, Scars of War, Field Battle, Military Merit, Himiko
Kessen 3GoodScene Setting Major Battle, Akechi/Ashikaga Armies, Formidable Foe
Kileak: The BloodMehB-2 Floor, B-5 Floor, Lift
Kileak, the Blood 2: Reason in MadnessMehBGM 5, Credit, BGM 7, BGM 4
Killer InstinctAwesome
Killer Instinct 2AwesomeStreet, Attract Mode
Killer Instinct 3GoodThe Dragon Spirit
King Arthur: The Role-playing WargameAwesomeBattle 1, Battle 2, Map 3, Harcias 2
Kingdom Under FireGoodHuman Campaign 2, Human Prologue, Boss, Ending
Kingdom Under Fire: HeroesGoodLost Hope, Down to Nil, Solitude
Kingdom Under Fire: The CrusadersGoodWorld Map 1, Final Mission, Mission 4, Mission 11
Kingdom WarsAwesomeIntro Siegeworks, Orc Peace 5, Elf Peace 5, Elf Combat 7
KISS: Psycho Circus - The Nightmare ChildAwesomeEarth Rift, Morbid Manor, Waste Wharf, Unholy Ground, Freak Show
KKND 2 KrossfireAwesomeSurvivors Theme 3, Series 9 Theme 1, Evolved Theme 1
Knights & MerchantsAwesomeMercenary, Busy
Knights of HonorAwesomeFirst Battle, Bard's Tale, Sword and Faith
Kula WorldGoodAlpine, Egypt, Rust
Kyodai MahjonggAwesomeFolk'n'Storm, Congo Nights
Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's GreenGoodCreeping you out, End of the world, Here They Come!
Last ArmageddonAwesomeBattle Theme
Legion: The Legend of ExcaliburAwesomeThe Village, Main Theme, Valiant Battle 4, Valiant Ambience 1, The Mystic
LEGO Rock RidersGoodTrack 4
Lifeforce TenkaGoodNo Perception, Work Zone, Who There, Joey Does Dallas
Loop HeroAwesomeUniverse's Storm, Lich is Unbreakable, Loop Blues, Star Judgment
Lost EdenAwesomeMagnificents, Amazonia, Lost Eden Theme, Citadel of Knowledge
Lost KingdomsAwesomeBattle Theme, Lake Bestriel, Plains of Rowahl, World Map
Lost Kingdoms IIGoodBattle Theme, Upper Royal Tower, Card Shop, Kadishu Town, Holzogh Town
Lost MagicAwesome
Mace Griffin: Bounty HunterGoodAction 5, Action 4, Action 1, Main Theme
Machines: Wired for WarAwesomeTrack 4, Track 3, Track 6
Magic & MayhemGoodCeltic 2, Classical 2
Magic & Mayhem: The Art of MagicGoodMain Theme
Majesty 2Awesome
Majesty the Fantasy Kingdom SimAwesome
MarathonGoodChomber, Guardians
Marathon 2 DurandalMehMain Theme
Mass EffectAwesomeUncharted Worlds, Virmire Ride, Battle at Eden Prime, A Very Dangerous Place, Vigil
Mayday: Conflict EarthGood
Mech CommanderGoodMission Start
MechWarrior 5: MercenariesAwesomeChip off the Old Block, The Coming Storm, Clean Slate, The Endless War
Medal of Honor: Allied AssaultGoodMain Theme, Schmerzen, Halftrack
Medal of Honor: UndergroundGoodThe Motorcycle Chase, Escape from Casablanca, Labyrinth of the Minotaur, Panzer Blockade
Medieval II: Total WarGoodWe Are All One, The Duke of Death, Crack your Head with a Tabla, Destiny, High Winds
Medieval II: Total War - KingdomsAwesomeDream of Albion, Lift Thine Eyes, Valley of Death, Darker Skies Ahead
Medieval Kingdom WarsAwesomeSuccession Rights, It Shall be Remember'd, Church and State
MegaRaceGoodNewsan, Magical Maeva
Men in Black: The Series - CrashdownMehTitle Screen, Fmeck Emperor
Men of WarGoodMain Theme, Stealth Theme 2, Battle Theme 4
Meridian: New WorldAwesome
Meridian: Squad 22GoodGoing Home
Metal FatigueGoodMain Menu, Neuropa Battle, Mil-Agro Incidental 2
Metal HeadAwesomeMain Theme, Emergency, Briefing, Stage 3
Metroid PrimeGoodMenu, Title, Chozo Ruins Main, Phendrana Drifts, Space Pirates Main
Metroid Prime 2 EchoesGoodTitle Theme, Menu Select, Torvus Bog, Trooper Battle
Metroid Prime 3: CorruptionMehRundas Boss, Space Pirates Main, Hunter Rundas, Skytown, Mission Briefing
Might & Magic 3GoodAdventuring in Towns, Bank Storage Vault
Might & Magic 5GoodBlacksmith Shop, Dark Lord Theme
Might & Magic 6GoodThe Hive
Might & Magic 7GoodDeyja, Emerald Island, Dungeon
Might & Magic 8AwesomeGarrote Gorge
Might & Magic 9AwesomeArslegard, Beet Hoven, Main Menu
Mighty Switch Force!GoodBreak Up Take Down, Whoa I'm in Space Cuba
Mighty Switch Force! 2AwesomeCredits, The Afterblaze, Glow, Dalmatian Station
Mirror's EdgeAwesomeIntroduction, Boat
Mission HumanityAwesomeTrack 2, Track 6, Track 4, Track 5
Moorhuhn 2?Theme Song
Moorhuhn Jump'n Run AtlantisGoodFinal Theme
Moorhuhn Kart 2GoodEgypt, Title Screen, Castle, Crazy Chicken X
Moorhuhn Winter Edition?Main Theme
MossGoodHome to Me
Myth III: The Wolf AgeGoodConnacht’s Theme, Gower Dirge, Grim (Choral), March
Nemesis of the Roman EmpireGoodTrack 2, Track 1
Neotokyo°AwesomeAnnul, Tin Soldiers
Nerf Arena BlastGoodTrack 2
Netherworld?Title Music
NeverhoodAwesomeNeverhood Theme, Klaymen's Theme, Lowdee Huh, Time to Goof Off
NexuizGoodMenu 2, Sanctuary, Tension, Menu 1, Menu 3
Nitemare-3DGoodE1M5, E1M4, E2M1, E3M1
No Man's LandGoodMain Theme, Settlers Attack, Prairie Indians Attack, England Attack
NorthgardAwesomeFreya's Kiss
Oddworld: Stranger's WrathGoodAttract, Another Day Another Fight, Burning Town, Quest Up River
Offworld Trading CompanyGoodRed Planet Nocturne, Allegro for Hydroponic Systems
One Must Fall 2097AwesomeMain Menu, Power Plant, Ending
One Step from EdenAwesome
OniAwesomeTrailer, East Wind, No One Left To Trust, Chase (Remix)
Operation Flashpoint Cold War CrisisGoodWalk
Operation GunbusterGoodBGM 2
Original WarAwesomeAmPriE, RuPriC, ArPriA
Orion PreludeAwesomeThe Meeting, Main Theme, Victory Road
OutlawsGoodSanctuary, The Train, Showdown, Outlaws
OuttriggerAwesome160 Seconds, Abarenbou Talon, Excersise, Tryno Bass
PainkillerGoodsWitch, The Painkiller, Electrodriving
Painkiller Hell & DamnationAwesomeRun in Circles, Monkey Nation
Painkiller: OverdoseGoodDesert, Haunted Valley, Nuclear Plant, Riot
Parasite EveGoodPrimal Eyes, Missing Perspective, Under the Progress, Out of Phase
Parkan IIMehSpace Conflict, Earth Conflict, Moon Trouble, Pluto Normal, Earth Normal
Parkan: Iron StrategyAwesomeTerrain Reconnaissance, Pass, Rise to Fall, Surveyor, Iron Strategy
Parkan the Imperial ChroniclesGoodInstallation, Track 6
Pathfinder: KingmakerAwesomeFey In The Hill, The Tarnished Jewel, Rule Of Chaos, Rule Of Good, Peaceful Lands
PayDay 2AwesomeEvil Eye, And Now We Wait, Dead Man's Hand, Master Plan
PayDay the HeistAwesomeHome Invasion
Pencil WhippedMehJasper
Perdition's GateAwesomeMAP01, MAP07, MAP19
Perfect DarkAwesomeChicago Stealth, Credits, Institute Menu
Perfect Dark ZeroAwesomeDeathmatch with Mai Hem, Datacore Demolition Escape
PerimeterGoodHarkbackhood Psychosphere
Perimeter II: New EarthGoodBattle March, New Earth, Spirit Council, Prayer
Pikmin 2MehBattle Menu, Save Screen, Pikmin Nectar, Staff Credits
Pikmin 3GoodMission Mode Menu, Mission Mode Results, Plasm Wraith Battle, Tropical Wilds, Garden of Hope
PlanetsideGoodNew Hades Tunnel, Desert Travel, Temperate Cavern Ambient, Travel Arctic
Planetside 2AwesomeNC Faction Select, NC Travel 1, VS Travel 2
Point Blank?Ready Room, Old Lobby, Thai Lobby
Populous: The BeginningGoodBonus Track, Menu
PortalMehStill Alive, 4000 Degrees Kelvin, Subject Name Here
Postal²GoodDance Club Ambiant, Wrong Side Out, In You Time Of Sorrow, Burned Feet
Prime TargetGoodTrack 1, Track 4
Project IGIGoodIntro, Mission 14
Project: SnowblindGoodOperetta, Kurt's Theme, Temple, Multiplayer Menu
PyreAwesomePath to Glory, Strange Voyage, Knights of the Sea
Quake 2AwesomeCrashed Up Again, Descent into Cerberon, Quad Machine, Adrenaline Junkie, Rage
Quake 3 ArenaGoodDissonant Beauty, Rocktronica, Stomped!, Audio Adrenaline
Radix: Beyond the VoidGoodE3M1, Title
Rayman 3 Hoodlum HavocAwesomeSnowboard Race, Reaching for the Clouds
Realms of Arcania Shadows over RivaGoodAmbush, Fish and Ships
Realms of the HauntingMehEscaping the Horror, The Dungeon
Rebel GalaxyAwesomeHeavy Hands
Rebel Moon RisingMehLevel 9, Intro, Level 1, Level 8
Red FactionGoodFaction, Scarred
Red Faction 2GoodMoogathon, Trilogy, TTHT, Heavy 5, Storm
Redneck RampageGoodYou Can't Kill Me, UFO's Big Rigs and BBQ
Redneck Rampage Rides AgainAwesomeRedneck Rampage
Red SteelAwesomeKatana Giri Theme, Ryushi San, Aerodrome Chase, Otori San
Resident Evil: The Umbrella ChroniclesGoodWesker Theme, Endogenous Opioid, White Out, Live Evil
RevenantGood14, 6
Rise of NationsGoodEire, Sri Lanka, Simple Song, Santiago
Rise of the TriadGoodGoin' Down the Fast Way, How'd I Do?, I Choose the Stairs
Rising KingdomsAwesomeElders' Chant, Online Battle Loop
Risk of RainAwesome
Rival RealmsGoodMain Menu, Humans, Greenskin
RiverworldGoodShining Life, Tranze Ersatz Express
Robin Hood: The Legend of SherwoodGoodLeicester Night, Sherwood, Lincoln Day
RoboCopGoodCredits music, OCP
Rock 'n Shaolin: Legend of the Seven Paladins 3DAwesomeTrack 7, Track 3, Track 12
Rogue LegacyAwesomeTrilobyte, The Fish and the Whale, Main Theme, Poot Yan, Skin off My Teeth
Rome: Total WarAwesomeBarbarian Victory, Forever, Epic, Journey to Rome Part 2
RoninAwesomeI will get you, Swordpoint, There is no way back
Rush for BerlinGoodBlood Sweat & Tears, Soviet March, German March
S.W.I.N.E.AwesomeError not Enough Money, Zetormalac, Gimme a Bigger Gun
Sanctum 2AwesomeImpending Doom, Ruins of Brightholme, The Invasion
ScorcherGoodWasteland, Complete, Industry
Secret Service: Security BreachMehMission 10, Mission 1, Mission 8
Serious Sam's Bogus DetourAwesomeHellas Bellas, Camel Dance, Sand Sand Sand, Cyclops Dream
Serious Sam 2GoodArena Jump In To The Fire, Mental Institution, Greendale, Siriusopolis Uptown
Serious Sam 3GoodBoss Fight Strings, Hero, Final Battle 4, Temples Fight
Serious Sam 4AwesomeTunguska, Countryside, Make Me Understand
Serious Sam the First EncounterAwesomeFight 5, Thebes Suburbs Medium, Dunes Medium
Serious Sam the Second EncounterAwesomeMordekai Battle, Kukulkan Battle, Serpent Yards, The Grand Cathedral, Hall of Fame Party
Settlers 4AwesomeVikings 1, Vikings 5, Maya 6
Settlers 5GoodCombat Mediterranean, Middle Europe Summer
Settlers 7AwesomeEver After
Shadowrun DragonfallAwesomeShoot Straight
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the ShogunGoodThe Death of Kage-sama, Escape from Mount Tsuru
Shadow WarriorMehShadow Raver, Okinoww!A, Everybody Off!!!
Shenzhen I/OAwesome
Shin Megami Tensei 4AwesomeInfernal Tokyo - Underground District, The Hunter Association, Ashura-Kai Authorized Shop, Black Market, Reverse Hills
Shogo Mobile Armor DivisionAwesomeNegai, Akuma
Shovel KnightAwesomeStrike the Earth!
Sid Meier's Civilization VAwesomeYalel, Blackfoot Nights, 12-20-82, Elipse, Istanbul'Dan, Dream of the Navajo, Bright Colours
Silent DebuggersGoodEnding
Silver GhostGoodとりで, エンディング
SiNGoodBattle With Manero, Credits, Jungle Pass, Hidden Docks
SiN Episodes: EmergenceMehWhat's The World Come To, Emergence Suite, Supremacy Tower
Sins of a Solar Empire RebellionMehSins Rebellion Theme, Opening Theme, Desperate
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs - Tactical StrikeGoodHotel
Solaris 1.0.4.AwesomeTitle, End, Level 7
Sonic HeroesAwesome
SonnyGoodFinal Encounter, Close Combat, Heroic Intervention
Space HulkGoodVictory, Debriefing
Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood AngelsMehIntro, Campaing Mission Victory
Space RangersAwesomeAwakening, Gaal Theme
Space Rangers 2AwesomeHyperdream, Cosmic 2,
Spear of DestinyGoodGet Them Before They Get You, The Tower, Award Ceremony, Tiptoeing Around
Spec Ops 2: Omega SquadGoodTrack 4
Spellforce 2 Faith in DestinyAwesomeMystical Fantasy, The Nameless Threat, A Fight to the Very End
Spellforce 2: Shadow WarsAwesomeShadowsong, Hawkeyrie
Spellforce: Shadow of the PheonixGoodBattle, Empyria, The Kathai, Frostweaver Rift
Spellforce: The Breath of WinterGoodLost in the Cold, Cenwen
SpelunkyAwesomeMines 5, Credits 3, Shop 4
Stalin vs MartiansGoodAll Hail Stalinator, Stalin Loves Disco
StarcraftAwesomeTerran Two, Terran One, Terran Three, Zerg One
StarCraft 2: Legacy of the VoidGoodValor My Shield, The Golden Armada, Attack On Korhal
StarCraft 2: Wings of LibertyGoodEnd Credits, Terran 1, Terran 3, Lost Viking, Terran up the Night
Star Cruiser II: The Odysseus ProjectGoodI Cannot Trust Any of Them, Opening
Starsiege: TribesGoodTrack 10, Track 6, Track 7
Star Trek: Away TeamGoodKlingon Music
Star Wars: Force CommanderGoodImperial Rage, The Walker Gambit, Desert Training, Trap at Yavin IV
Star WolvesGood32, 18, 23
Star Wolves 2AwesomeBattle 1, Battle 13, Battle 9
State of WarMehTitle/Level 13
SteamWorld HeistAwesomeThe Red Queen, The Stars
Streets of RogueAwesome
Strife: Quest for the SigilGoodHappy, Action, Fast, Tribal
StrongholdAwesomeCastle Jam, Under an Old Tree
Stronghold 2AwesomeUnder An Old Tree, Labyrinth, The Life of A Gong Farmer, Castle Jam, Celebration
Stronghold 3AwesomeTom of Bedlam, Minstrelosity, Labyrinth, Ocarolans Draft Arranged, All for Me Grog
Stronghold Crusader 2GoodSand Nap, Sandal Maker, Breathe, Caravan
Submarine TitansGoodSilicons War Theme, Black Octopi War Theme, White Sharks War Theme
Sudden StrikeGoodIntro, Track 2, Track 6
Super Noah's Ark 3-DAwesomeAbide, Patience
Super Time Force UltraMehDrush V3 GmVer, Team Intro, TimeSplitLoop Reprise
Supreme Commander Forged AllianceMehRhiza's Offensive, The Art of War
SWAT 3GoodPhoenix Club, Hospital, Pasadena Freeway Sniper, Subway, LA Hillside
SWAT 4MehNight Club Action, Radio Cuba
Sword of the StarsGoodCombat Human
System ShockAwesome
System Shock 2AwesomeMed Sci 1
Tactical Ops: Assault on TerrorGoodRock, Flamenco
Takeda 3GoodBattle
TankticsGoodMenu, Modern Age
Team Fortress 2Awesome
Terra Nova Strike Force CentauriGoodSimulation Battle
TerrariaGoodDay, Old Title Screen,
The Adventures of Gilligan's IslandMehTitle Screen
The Bard's Tale III: Thief of FateGoodSafety Song, Sir Robin's Tune
The Battle for Middle-earth IIGoodThe Dwarves Explore, Pushing Back, Joining Forces
The Bugs Bunny Birthday BlowoutGoodTitle, World 3
The Chronicles of Omega?Main Theme
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark AthenaMehDrone Mile, Red Alert, Revas Battle, Aguerra, The Mercs
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher BayMehPrison Break (Action), Butcher Bay Slam Mix
The Cliffhanger: Edward RandyGoodRunning Continuously through 100 Adventures!, My Trump Card!!
The Colonel's BequestGoodIntroduction, Tulane University, Victrola Theme 4, Victrola Theme 2
The Combatribes (SNES)AwesomeThe Motorcycle Nuclear Warheads, The Demon Clowns, Staff Roll
The Curse of Ra (C64)?BGM 1
The Cycles: International Grand Prix Racing (DOS)MehOpening
The DarknessGoodCredits, Chinatown Combat Short Action
The L.E.D. WarsAwesomeTrack 3, Track 5, Track 2
The Legend of Zelda The Minish CapGoodMinish Woods, Castor Wilds, House
The LongingGoodPierced at the Eve of Knives, The Outside World, Crystals, Underground Palace
The Lord of the Rings: War of the RingMehAnorien, Lorhlórien, Iron Hills
The NationsAwesomeMagic, Horizon, The Amazons, Work Hymn
TheocracyGoodMain Menu
The Operative: No One Lives ForeverGoodMorocco Fight 2, A Tenuous Lead Fight
The Stalin SubwayGoodMarch of the Communist Brigades
The TerminatorAwesomeTaking to the Air
The Terminator: RampageGoodWalk 4
The Wheel of TimeAwesomeDark Sunburst
The WitcherGoodEvening in the Tavern, Peaceful Moments, River of Life, Tavern at the End of World
Time Crisis 4AwesomeSave This Country!, Stage 3 Area 3
TimeShiftGoodHeavy Rewind, Strider Battle
TimeSplittersGoodStreets, Chinese, Spaceways, Credits
TimeSplitters 2AwesomeReturn to Planet X, Streets, Chinese, Wild West, Alien Tileset 2, Credits
TimeSplitters: Future PerfectGoodLike a Monkey, Spaceport, Venice, Who's the Mummy?, Cortez Can't Jump
Tiny and Big: Grandpa's LeftoversAwesomeLittle Pretty Thing, Lusitania, Cold Reader, Black Om Rising
Tom Clancy's EndWarGoodThis Is EndWar
Tom Clancy's Rainbow SixMehEnd, Title Theme
Total War Saga: Thrones of BritanniaAwesome
Total War: Shogun - The Mongol InvasionGoodBattle 2
Total War: Shogun 2GoodUncle Samurai, Matsuri, Duty Calls, Death Cures a Fool
Total War WarhammerGoodAmbient 1
Trackmania Nations ForeverAwesomeMenu, Stadium Pulp Remix
Trespasser: The Lost World - Jurassic ParkGoodReveal Dinosaur Plains, Raptor Attack 3, Town Ambient
Tresure Adventure GameGoodFight or Fight, Duct Work
Tribes 2AwesomeStarwolf, Lush
Tribes: Aerial AssaultGoodTrack 2, Track 6
TRI: Of Friendship and MadnessAwesomeMagical Triangles, A Fox in the Dark, Walking on the Walls
Tron 2.0GoodFCon the Root of the Problem, Intro Sequence, Antiquated (Core Meltdown)
TurokGoodLava Land
Turok 2GoodPort of Adia, Totem 1, First Level
Tyrian 2000AwesomeCAMANIS, Space Journey 2, Tyrian, Gryphons of the West
Tzar: The Burden of the CrownAwesomeTrack 2, Track 3, Track 4, Track 5
UFO AfterlightAwesomeStrategy Map Music 2
UFO: AftermathGoodGeoscape 1
UFO: AftershockGoodCredits, Geoscape 8, Geoscape 6
Universe at War Earth AssaultAwesomeHaunt
UnrealAwesomeUnreal Crypt, Surfacing, Nightvision, Isotoxin
Unreal 2GoodSevernaya, The Skaarj, Acheron
Unreal TournamentAwesomeEnding, Go Down, Organic, Razorback, The Course, Colossus, Save Me, BotMCA
Unreal Tournament 2004GoodChemical Burn, ONS05, ONS06, Level 5, Conduit, ONS08, Skaarj Assault
Unreal Tournament IIIAwesomeGo Down, Mechanism Eight, Defector, Firestorm, World Of Liandri
Utopia: The Creation of a NationGoodMusic 4
Valkyria ChroniclesGoodStreet Fighting, Hard Fight, Daily Life of Squad 7, Randgriz Archduke's Family, People of Darcus
ValleyGoodLife yet in These Metal Bones, Like a Skipping Stone, Expanse
VangersAwesomeNecross Theme, Main Theme, Vangers Forever
Velocity UltraAwesomeProtect, Network Autonomy 1.0
VietcongGoodGood Morning Nui Pek, Credits
Vietcong 2AwesomeStones, Clapton, Kravitz
VVVVVVAwesomePotential for Anything, Pressure Cooker, Pushing Onwards
WarBreedsGoodTrack 10, Track 11
Warcraft 3 Frozen ThroneMehPower of the Horde, Pursuit, Human, Orc
Warcraft 3 Reign of ChaosGoodArrival at Kalimdor, Blackrock & Roll, Carrion Waves, Credits
Wargame: European EscalationMehTension
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos GateAwesomeIctus Toream, Word Bearers March, Ultramarines Chant
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War IIIGoodSwordwind, Acheron Third Movement, Tip of the Spear, The Maniac Horde
Warlords BattlecryGoodAmbient 6, Ambient 1
Warlords: Battlecry 2GoodAmbient 4
Warlords: Battlecry 3GoodMain Menu, Ambient7
WarPathGoodDeathmatch 2
Warrior Kings: BattlesGoodAmbient 3
WarsowAwesomeLysdexia, Euthanasia, Menu 2
War WindGoodHit the Rocks, Forgotten Forest, Storm Front
War Wind 2GoodDescendants, S.U.N.
Wasteland 3GoodBattle Hymn of the Republic, Little Vegas, Down in the Valley to Pray
Whale's VoyageAwesomeNEO Title Remix, Intro (CD), A Child Is Born
William Shatner's TekWarGoodTrack 1
Will RockGoodGreek
World of WarcraftGoodEnchanted Forest, Darkmoon Faire, Stormwind
WorldShiftGoodPrimal Force, Shift For Your Life
World War III: Black GoldMehWhy, Main Theme, Victory Iraq
Worms BlastAwesome
Worms World PartyGoodTitle, Stats, Cavern, Generic
X-COM: ApocalypseMehKill them All
XIIIGoodAbortion, Main Title
Yooka Laylee and the Impossible LairAwesome
Ys StrategyAwesomeTheme of Esteria Kingdom, Theme of Ys Strategy, Theme of Afroca Dynasty
Z.A.R.GoodTrack 5, Track 2
Zero-KAwesomeAwakening the Warrior Within, With Gun & Crucifix, A Whole World On Paper, That Strange Noise
Zoo Tycoon 2AwesomeMarine Mania Theme, Extinct Theme