To mod or not to mod?

No game is perfect, if only because we all have different idea of a perfect game. When we play a game we like, we want to make it better and so we make some mods. Nowadays, when you want to play an old game, there is often a lot of mods available. Even when you never played the game before, you may feel the need to install them. It may seem that if you did not, you would miss out on a superior experience. Let me dispel that illusion.

Most people have no game design experience. They add things they think are fun with little regard for game balance or lore consistency. And while there are mods that are very good, they may have changes that you don't like. You want to be careful when choosing mods, otherwise you might actually make your experience worse.

However, you won't know what you want to change until you actually play the game. That is why I would recommend for the first playthrough to install bug fix mods only. Of course, there should be no bugs to mod out, vast majority of them, if not all, should be patched out in a few months after release. Some publishers just don't bother anymore.
