We are not equal

People never were and never will. Equality is not only unachievable, but pursuing it at all cost actually causes more harm than good.

First of all, we are all different physically. Which is most apparent in comparison between males and females, but also among the same gender. That is why there are many things, which some people are capable of doing, but other are not. A dumb person won’t do well as a doctor, an average woman won’t be able to lift concrete blocks every day on a construction site and a person in a wheelchair won’t be able to save people from a burning building. Not all physical differences have an impact, but in case of those that do, treating people as if they are all equal will put them where they are not efficient and can put other people’s lives at risk.

Of course, when most people talk about equality, they mean equality under the law. However, that is not a good idea either. You can’t have the same laws for children as for adults, because very young children are not able to read the law, or even understand it. You don’t want people breaking into your home, but some need to do that as part of their job. In cases like these, treating everyone the same would not work or just not be fair.

This does not change as long as our bodies are different and we keep living in a society. I don’t see what is so important about equality anyway, because it seems like the problem was never about being treated differently but about being treated badly, and you can’t really say that about someone who just isn’t fit for a job. To achieve equality, we would have to be identical clones, each living in their own virtual world. Would that be better?
