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Ugly is the new pretty

From my standpoint anyway. I am a bit unusual in my standards for physical beauty, because I have them based almost purely on the natural beauty and anything that clashes with it is a problem. So, moderate amount of makeup is fine, because that just covers the imperfections, but tattoos, jewelry and even painted nails turn me off. And can you guess what became more fashionable in the past decades? Exactly.

Lets start with the nails. The more different the color is from the natural one, the less appealing they are to me. Black is probably the worst. When they are too long, they also do not look great, but that is a really minor issue.
Tattoos are very varied. In their worst they look like if some gang members were marking their territory and mistook the girl for a wall. In their best they can look pretty good, they just do not look good to me on a skin. The thought of stabbing dyes into the skin is just too off putting for me.
Finally, jewelry. Of course, I very much dislike piercings. Especially in the face, particularly in the nose and mouth. When I see someone with a ring in their nose, my brain connects it with cattle and a snot hanging from the nose, so I get disgusted. However, I dislike jewelry in general. Metal ones the most, but other materials are not much better. Thankfully, I have nothing against clothes (Can you imagine the daily horror, if that was not the case?).

While I am at it, have you noticed that some people have very high standards for the looks of their potential partner, yet also have an ugly pet for some reason? What is up with that? Besides fashion, being overweight is also not attractive, or healthy for that matter, though a lot more people think this. In case you need to lose some weight, it is simple to do in principle. Just fill your stomach with water and other high volume low calories food, so that the energy you get is a bit lower than what you spend during the day. That is it, fat is not magic, it does not appear from a thin air. Weight yourself daily to see how well you do over the weeks. Light exercise helps too. But I digress…

The thing is, I know that people don’t do these things to make themselves look uglier. They obviously must think it looks good. If you feel about this the same as me, I understand your frustration. If you do not, I envy you, because you live in a world that is just a bit less disgusting.
