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On sexuality

In the recent years, there have been a lot of heated arguments, politics pushing and, what is worse, reality denying around this topic and, just like everybody else, I also formed my own opinion.

Sex sells

Despite all the attempts to glorify fat and ugliness, nothing changed about that. This can be seen all around us. Men still like to sneak a peek at slim women with big bust and/or ass and women still like strong confident men. Just look at popular searches in porn statistics, like pornhub’s yearly summaries, you won’t find a lot of fat and ugly there.
People like to look at pretty things, but they can not choose what they find pretty. These things are inherited. Unusual beauty standards are more prevalent in fiction than real life, but it seems to affect female characters more than male ones. I wonder why.


The politics of feminism in the west went from making women equal with men before the law, to pretty much hating on men at this point. The law does not oppress women anymore, it is even straight up illegal to do so in some cases. Women can vote, go to politics, go to work (how the parents are going to raise a child, when they are both at work?). What is left is just to make sure the law is enforced. The mission was accomplished already, but that would mean the activists would have to find a different job, so they keep looking for an enemy.
That is why companies got quota for hiring a certain number of women, no matter how many qualified women are actually available, or why people were told to believe all women and assume guilty until proven innocent. Add to that nonsense statements like that women can do everything men can, despite being on average physically weaker and behaving differently, and you get a movement that no longer supports women but rather tries to force them into being men.


A gay man is essentially a man with a woman's beauty standards. They are attracted to men, because they like masculine features. I don't know whether it should be considered an illness, but it is one of the inherit flaws, that can be easily lived with, so most people would not bother treating it anyway.
Also, it is not a simple switch. People are gay to various degree. A gay man can range from liking the same men women do and preferring to be the bottom, to being heterosexual but also finding feminine looking men acceptable.
The narrative used to be that they just want to be treated the same as normal people. That was pretty much accomplished in the west, at least when it comes to law. But to be really accepted by the rest of the society, they have to stop being gays and become just normal people with different sexual preferences. In that regard, just like with feminism, the various political movements are doing more harm than good for them, because they keep pointing out how they are different and make it look like they always want more privileges. Normal people do not have a yearly parade dedicated to how they like it in the bed.


There are two ways of looking at transsexuality, either the brain is out of the norm or the body is. Transsexuals decided the latter is correct. Now, I am of the opinion, that an adult can do pretty much whatever they want to their own body, however, as long as they have the same chromosomes, their gender does not change. Letting a transsexual into a women sport or women only areas is the same as letting in a man in a dress.

The paragraph above is what I originally thought, but, since the time I wrote this text, I realized it is too simplified. First and foremost, transsexuality is a medical diagnosis. It is not something the people made up. An individual with a healthy mind does not have the need to request hormonal therapy and a surgery to change their appearance to the one of the opposite gender. I think it would be preferable to fix the brain instead, but we are still not quite there yet medicine wise, so we are left with changing the body, so that the individual stops hating their own body so much. And yes, there are people who transitioned back, but that just shows they were misdiagnosed. This really requires waiting for adulthood and months of talks with a psychologist to be sure. Before puberty, boys and girls look quite similar, so talking about transsexuality at that age is nonsense.
Regarding transwomen in women sports, what I wrote still holds up. A man transitioning into a woman is not a woman, it is a transwoman. Some people seem to have a problem with calling them what they are, as if there was something bad about that. Well, I say it is OK to be a transwoman or transman. They are just another group of people, who got screwed over by nature and are in need of help.


With children it is simple - hands off! Children are generally considered by law as unable to consent and for a good reason. They are weak and inexperienced, therefore naive and easily manipulated. You can not be sure, whether a child really agreed to something or was pressured into it. People change a lot when they grow up. You can let the child wear whatever you want, but once you start cutting body parts, you create permanent changes that the child may soon regret.
Sex is a no go for similar reasons. To be biologically ready for sex, a person has to go through puberty, which begins roughly around 11 years of age and takes a few years to really get going. Of course, they still have working hands and mouth, but now we get back to the problem of child consent. Really, the best solution is to assume that child can not give consent, because the potential for abuse is too great. At most it can be argued that some countries have unnecessarily high age of consent, like some countries have it at 18, while most of Europe has it around 15.
If you have a problem with that, seek help. Attraction is not an excuse for abuse. There are sex dolls and adults who behave like children, some even look the part.
